Product Defense & Regulatory Witness Training

Learn to Deliver Expert Witness Testimony and Product Defense

FDA product defense hearings determine the outcome of pharmaceutical and medical device companies’ investment in research and development. A product has to be safe and effective. But the benefits and the thoroughness of your research must be communicated in ways that everyone can easily understand.

When it comes to this critical juncture in a product’s life-cycle, don’t leave the impact of your expert witness testimony chance. The Newman Group has been preparing expert witnesses for FDA regulatory presentations for decades. In fact, some of the leadingimg-3 pharmaceutical companies credit the ease of their product’s approval and release to market to the presentation training received from The Newman Group.

Ensure Success with Professional FDA Presentation Training

Let the professional trainers at The Newman Group prepare you and your company’s expert witnesses for your next product defense presentation. Through our FDA Product Defense Trainings, you will learn how to:

We’ll not only work with your team on your initial product defense presentation, we’ll stay the course. An integral component of The Newman Group’s FDA regulatory training is our on-site follow up, presentation critiques, and preparation for subsequent meetings.

Hone your presentation techniques and prepare your expert witnesses to testify on your product’s behalf. Contact us to discuss your immediate or long term needs.

The Newman Group prepares medical and other scientific professionals for: